
Golden Fairways

Do you play golf? Well, obviously somebody enjoys golf ALOT here in Sidney. In reviewing the city budget the other day we reviewed the cost for the maintenance of the golf course here in Sidney. According to the latest audit review posted on the city page, the golf course has $821,000 in expenses and $383,000 in revenues for the operation of the golf course. This leaves an operating shortfall (LOSS) of $438,000 for the 2020-2021 cycle. In the 2022-2023 budget, according to the budget highlight posted on the city page, the golf course showed an expense budget of $804,000 with no revenue listed (We are still searching for this projected revenue number).

There has not been a revenue posted on the city budget highlight since the 2016-2017 cycle, you can find it in the city audit with the full financial statements listed. In the 2017 budget, it listed a $600K budget expense and revenue of $281K. This left a shortfall of $320K. In reviewing the city budget postings all the way back to 2012 (posted a $284K loss), the golf course has never generated a profit; it appears to loses between $250K and $435K per year. No business on the face of the planet could sustain this type of fiscal calamity. As the budget continues to shrink after Cabela's exit, the golf course expenditure continues to be a larger and larger percentage of the budget. This has in turn contributed to the continual rise in the city's deficit spending the past several years.  The current budget shows over $2 MILLION for debt servicing funds, constituting 5% of the budgeted expenses. 

 The golf course appears to be and luxury we may not be able to afford anymore. We cannot continue to go to dinner and a movie every Friday night when we can't pay the mortgage. The golf course is not a matter of public safety such as, fire, police, or road maintenance, etc. As we said; it is a luxury, we need to decide if we can afford it. This is a discussion that we need to have among the citizens of this city. Do we want a golf course in place of many other things that would be more beneficial and cost-effective? The roads through December and January this winter so far have been unbearable. Are we sacrificing public safety with road maintenance to ensure the golf course stays open? Is the golf course a priority to the people of Sidney? I don't know that $53 green/cart fees for 18 holes is conducive to the demographic in our city, and there certainly aren't enough tourist playing to keep the course turning a profit. In a final note, of the city's 52 listed accomplishments for the year; #43 was "implemented new software for scoring at the golf course". Maybe we can fit all the golf carts with snow plow blades to help clear the roads from the next snowstorm.