
Golf POLL Results

A few weeks ago we put up a poll asking the community to tell us what they think about the tax dollars being used to fund the Golf Course. Nearly 1000 people visited the page and nearly 300 people took the poll.
Only 19% favored using tax dollars to fund golf course. 71% of the people said the golf course should run like a business and be budget neutral. 11% said to use fund raisers for any monies needed to offset loses.
I think we all agree the golf course needs to stay and no one is advocating getting rid of it. Our group, and I think many others in the community feel, it should be run like a business and be self sufficient.
Over the past 10 years (2013-2022) the golf course cost the taxpayers an average of $392,800 a year (nearly $4 million for the 10 years). The course has lost well over $400K a year 4 of the past 5 years. The problem is steadily getting worse. The business model is broken and it's bleeding money. We as a community need to discuss how to stop the bleeding and fix the business model. This calls for accountability of the City Council and the City Manager.
These losses do not include the money pulled from the 1/2 sales tax collection for sprinkler system upgrades, planned paving of the parking lot this year, and other sidebar monies used through the years.
Give us your thoughts. If you haven't take the poll, click below and participate, we need to hear everyone's thoughts.
Thank you all for the continued support, feedback, and discussions.